Sunday, July 1, 2007

Early post

Current Weight: 176-177

So, the scale is lying again: I know I weigh more, but I'm going to record it this way before I actually do weigh more. I didn't get to the gym this weekend like I had hoped since I was blindsided by my period and felt like crap the day I needed to run by the office and fix my ID card.
Then it pretty much rained incessantly for the remainer of the weekend, thus rendering my walk nigh impossible.
But, after class tomorrow I'm going to traipse on over to the gym and get my card fixed so I can start kicking the crap out of myself on the elliptical again.

Come friday, I hope to have passed the 10lb-marker. Which means I'm somewhere between one-fourth and one-fifth of the way there (I may strive to be in the 130s.)

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