Saturday, February 20, 2010


Current Weight: 177-179ish....still

I'm honestly a bit surprised that I'm still in this weight bracket...mainly 'cause my birthday weekend was last weekend and I totally splurged food-wise. I did pop back up to around 181 the other day for it, but I've since dropped back down.

It's been kind of hard to get to the gym this semester. I have afternoon classes that end around 4 and by the time I get home, I'm so tired. I'll perk back up around 6, but from 4 until then, I feel so very very bushed. It sucks. I've tried snacking in the afternoon; maybe it's a blood-sugar related? I'm not sure if that's helped or not. Also, since I don't have a Yellow parking pass, I can't park on campus until after 5. I don't want to take the bus to the gym, get all sweaty, then have to ride next to someone on the way back to my place/car. It's not that I get stinky after the gym (I honestly don't), but I know I wouldn't really want to sit next to someone who looks sweaty-- even if it's just localized to the face region/hairline. It's pretty cold here at the moment, so I put on a jacket when I it's not like they'd see the sweat anywhere else. On some of the week days, I don't have class until after 2, which would be perfect times to go to the gym, get back to my place, shower, then go to class...if it weren't for the can't-park-on-campus bit.

So, either I pay to park at a meter (lame), I ride the bus there (also lame), or I wait until after 5 to park there for which point I'm too tired to want to do it. Sometimes I go later in the evening which is nice, but then I've found that it's hard to get to sleep afterwards and I end up staying up until well after 11pm before I'll start to feel tired. Seriously? Sucks, man, it sucks.

I have a nice walk that I take around the massive block I live on, (it's like 4 miles all the way around), but it's been pretty chilly or downright cold lately--go figure, it's winter-- and that's been more than a small bit of a deterrent. I can tolerate walking in low-40s, but anything below 37 or so and I get uncomfortable. Walking in the cold like that eventually starts making my legs get numb then that weird muscle itch thing starts. I know I'm not the only person to feel this way, but it's still annoying and probably makes me look like a total spaz when I have to stop to rub my thighs while walking in the cold. I wouldn't mind doing it so much if my walk path thing wasn't right off super major streets in town. The whole way around, it's right off of four main thorough-fairs that have pretty constant streams of traffic.

One of my friends in my Japanese classes would like to start going to swim again this semester. I would love to go, but I don't know the hours yet, and I'd rather not have to lug all my make-the-water-go-away tools to the gym so my hair won't freeze when I leave if it's super cold. Thankfully, the temperatures are getting more tolerable. So maybe after Spring Break, we'll be able to start going again. For now, I think I'll stick to the gym and the elliptical. ^^

It's a slow process at the moment, but I'm getting there!


ps to non-Japanese speakers, the above little curvy symbols read "Yosh!" and pretty much means "Alright!" or an enthusiastic "Let's do it!" type of thing. I say it sometimes; can't help it.

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