Thursday, August 9, 2007

Unintentional Hiatus

Current Weight: ??? (I don't really know)


Okay, so I obviously haven't updated in awhile. I've been really busy the past twoish weeks, so I just decided that I'd hold off on posting until it all calmed down again.
Originally, that was going to be when I arrived back at my apartment, but since it's been quite a long time, I then thought it might be better to just drop a quick post.

It's been really hectic. I finished my portfolio and final projec, had our final critique, then I drove back to Missouri to stay with my parents for awhile, since they missed me. Mom and I took a very short trip to San Francisco, and we just got back on Monday (technically tuesday at 1am)-- I will post more on that sometime this weekend.

Though I will get to the bulk of the trip later, I wanted to say first that I got to meet two of my 'net buddies and it was lots and lots of fun. ^^


Hal said...

I go on unintentional hiatuses from my blog all the time! It's fun!

Arianis said...


AND you are now officially awesome, since you're my FIRST commenter.
It would be awesome if Nicki were the 2nd ^^ *hint HINT*