Friday, November 6, 2009

Current Weight: 181-182ish

I've been a little slow on the weight thing recently. Been stressed out because of class, among other things.

Still trekking along though. And I rediscovered my love of swimming. I don't look so flabby and yuck that I'm too uncomfortable in a one-piece. It's magical how clothing changes how I feel...and my swimsuit is one of those things. Except for the "size", but that again delves into my hatred of how women's anythings are sized. This suit is an example. You know what size it is? 18!
Wow, I feel gross just thinking about that. But, you see, I'm not an 18 and never have been. And, in reality, it's a little big on me, but the 16 was too tight. It's all about the mind tricks I mentioned last time.

In reality, I should be a size 12 suit, maybe, if the sizes were standard. But they're not. So, screw you, Speedo, for making me feel bad about myself when I bought your suit at Dick's.

