Thursday, August 9, 2007

Unintentional Hiatus

Current Weight: ??? (I don't really know)


Okay, so I obviously haven't updated in awhile. I've been really busy the past twoish weeks, so I just decided that I'd hold off on posting until it all calmed down again.
Originally, that was going to be when I arrived back at my apartment, but since it's been quite a long time, I then thought it might be better to just drop a quick post.

It's been really hectic. I finished my portfolio and final projec, had our final critique, then I drove back to Missouri to stay with my parents for awhile, since they missed me. Mom and I took a very short trip to San Francisco, and we just got back on Monday (technically tuesday at 1am)-- I will post more on that sometime this weekend.

Though I will get to the bulk of the trip later, I wanted to say first that I got to meet two of my 'net buddies and it was lots and lots of fun. ^^